In-Home Supports
In-Home Supports are services and supports available in an individual’s home and community to assist with personal care and other activities such as housekeeping, grocery shopping and meal preparation.
The State Home Care Program
The State Home Care Program provides support services to older adults with daily living needs to remain at home in their communities. It is for individuals age 60+ and those who are under 60 with an Alzheimer's Disease or related disease diagnosis. This also includes individuals who may not be eligible for MassHealth but require varying levels of assistance with daily living tasks. Monthly co-payments may apply depending on income. The State Home Care Program is administered through the Executive Office of Aging & Independence and delivered by Aging Services Access Points.
MassHealth Home and Community-Based Services Waivers
HCBS Waivers are for MassHealth-eligible individuals who would otherwise need facility-based care. The HCBS Waivers provide participants access to the services and supports they need for successful community living. Waiver participants have access to MassHealth services in addition to the services they receive through the waiver in which they are enrolled. An individual may not be enrolled in more than one HCBS Waiver at a time. Each of MassHealth’s ten HCBS Waivers have both financial and clinical eligibility requirements.
Moving Forward Plan
Residential Supports (MFP-RS) Waiver – This HCBS Waiver program helps adults eligible for MassHealth to move back to the community from a nursing facility or a chronic disease, rehabilitation, or psychiatric hospital and receive community-based services. The program provides services to individuals who need supervision and staff support 24 hours a day, seven days a week in a residential setting. Residential support services can include living in a group home, an assisted living residence, or shared living with 24 hour supports. The MFP-RS Waiver is operated by the Department of Developmental Services. This waiver serves adults age 18 and older with no maximum age.
HCBS Waivers for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities
Adult Supports Waiver
Adult Supports Waiver– This HCBS Waiver program provides services and supports in the community to adults eligible for MassHealth with intellectual disability. Participants live in family homes, adult foster care, or independently and do not require 24 hour care. Their health and welfare needs can be met in these community settings. Participants do not require the levels of support provided under either the Community Living Waiver or the Intensive Supports Waiver. The Adult Supports Waiver is operated by the Department of Developmental Services. This waiver serves adults age 22 and older with no maximum age.
Community Living Waiver
Community Living Waiver – This HCBS Waiver program provides services and supports in the community to adults eligible for MassHealth with intellectual disability. Participants live in the family home, adult foster care, with a live-in caregiver, or independently and do not require 24 hour care. Participants require more support than those in the Adult Supports Waiver, but less than those in the Intensive Supports Waiver. The Community Living Waiver is operated by the Department of Developmental Services. This waiver serves adults age 22 and older with no maximum age.
Intensive Supports Waiver
Intensive Supports Waiver – This HCBS Waiver program provides services and supports in the community to adults eligible for MassHealth with intellectual disability who require supervision and access to support 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. Participants in this program may reside in out-of-home residential settings or in their family home with a comprehensive array of supports. The Intensive Supports Waiver is operated by the Department of Developmental Services. This waiver serves adults age 22 and older with no maximum age.
Children’s Autism Spectrum Disorders Waiver
This HCBS Waiver program provides one-to-one behavioral, social and communication based interventions and related support services to MassHealth-eligible children with autism, birth through age eight. The Children’s Autism Waiver is operated by the Department of Developmental Services.
Frail Elder Waiver
This HCBS Waiver program helps MassHealth-eligible adults age 60 and older to receive health care and support services in their homes. It is for people who meet the criteria for nursing facility care but prefer to live in the community. The program supports older adults with services to assist them with self-care and everyday tasks. The Frail Elder Waiver (FEW) program is operated by the Executive Office of Aging and Independence. Participants in the Frail Elder Waiver who are age 65 or older can choose to enroll in the Senior Care Options (SCO) program to get their Waiver (and if applicable, their Medicare) service all together through a single SCO plan. This waiver serves adults age 60 and older with no maximum age.
Traumatic Brain Injury Waiver
This HCBS Waiver program provides community services to people eligible for MassHealth with a traumatic brain injury who meet the criteria for nursing facility or hospital care but prefer to live in the community. The program provides individuals with a traumatic brain injury the support services they need to live safely in the community. The TBI Waiver is operated by MassAbility. This waiver serves adults age 18 and older with no maximum age. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Waiver (
In-Home Treatment for Children and Adolescents
In-home treatment for children and adolescents offer a broad range of services including case management, individual and family flexible support, residential, day programs, respite care, and intensive residential treatment. In-home treatment is available to children and adolescents with mental health conditions through the Department of Mental Health.
The Department of Mental Health’s (DMH) Division of Child, Youth and Family Services provide a variety of supports to Massachusetts youth with mental illness and their families.
DMH is one of the state agencies that work with providers and health plans to help people in Massachusetts with their mental health related needs.
Statewide Head Injury Program (SHIP)
Statewide Head Injury Program (SHIP) provides custom supports for individuals of all ages with a traumatic brain injury, such as service coordination, regional service centers, assistive technology, recreation programs, substance abuse treatment, and community-based supports. SHIP is a program of MassAbility.
Home Care Assistance Program
Home Care Assistance Program provides adults under the age of 60 with disabilities with homemaker services that include housekeeping, laundry, grocery shopping, and meal supports. The Home Care Assistance Program is a program of MassAbility.
Veteran’s Independence Plus Program (VIP)
Veteran’s Independence Plus Program (VIP) supports veterans of any age that are at risk of nursing home placement and their family caregivers by providing home and community based services to enable them to continue to live in their homes and communities. Eligible veterans receive a comprehensive assessment, develop a service plan, and can purchase goods and services that best meet their needs. VIP is jointly administered by the Executive Office of Aging & Independence and the Department of Veterans’ Services.
Community Life Services
Community Life services are services and resources available to support independent living in the community. These include programs that provide an array of services that empower individuals to live independently in the community and services that focus on secondary functional needs such as transportation services, technology and peer supports.
Adult Supported Living Services
Adult Supported Living Services is a program for people with severe physical disabilities that provides an array of services and case management to help them live in their communities. This program is available through MassAbility.
Assistive Technology Program
Assistive Technology Program provides individuals with disabilities of all ages with devices and services that help give them control over their environment and support to achieve their goals. Technology can help people perform daily tasks, get around, and communicate more effectively. This is a program of the MassAbility.
Assistive Technology for the Blind Program
Assistive Technology for the Blind Program is a program that provides people of all ages who are blind with assistive technology options to access print material, improve daily function, mobility, and communication. The Technology for the Blind Program is available through the Massachusetts Commission for the Blind.
Blind Reintegration for Independence, Development, and Growth for Elders (BRIDGE) Program
Blind Reintegration for Independence, Development, and Growth for Elders (BRIDGE) Program provides independent living services to individuals aged 55 and older who are legally blind. This program is available through the Massachusetts Commission for the Blind.
Children’s Services Program
Children’s Services Program assists families with children who are blind, by providing information and referrals to services and resources that can help the child reach his or her full potential. The Children’s Services Program is available through the Massachusetts Commission for the Blind.
Clubhouse Services
Clubhouse Services are programs that provide individuals people with mental health needs with support services to develop skills in social networking, independent living, budgeting, accessing transportation, self-care, maintaining educational goals, and securing and retaining employment. Clubhouses help people live a productive and stable life in the community. They are funded, in part, by the Department of Mental Health.
Councils on Aging (COA)
Councils on Aging (COA) the community focal point for social and support services to older adults, families and caregivers in 349 cities and towns in Massachusetts. COAs offer many programs including congregate and home delivered meals. See the Massachusetts COA Directory to find your local COA.
Community Health and Prevention Programs
Community Health and Prevention Programs such as chronic disease self-management programs, healthy aging programs, and health access initiatives, such as reducing health disparities and promoting the use of Community Health Workers. These programs are available through the Department of Public Health. Please check current programs being offered at Healthy Living Center of Excellence.
Deaf Blind Extended Supports
Deaf Blind Extended Supports include a wide range of services to people who are deaf blind and or legally blind with cognitive issues. The goal of the program is to enhance each person’s independence and overall quality of life. Deaf Blind Extended Supports are available through the Massachusetts Commission for the Blind.
Emergency Preparedness
Emergency Preparedness includes training and support to individuals and health systems in preparing to support individuals with disabilities in emergency situations. Emergency Preparedness assistance is available through the Department of Public Health.
Home Modification Loan Program
Home Modification Loan Program provides no- and low- interest loans to modify the home of adults and children with disabilities, and older adults to allow people to remain in their homes and live more independently. The Home Modification Loan Program is a program of MassAbility.
Independent Living Center (ILC) Services
Independent Living Center (ILC) Services include support, role modeling, and advocacy by and for persons with all types of disabilities. These services are provided by ILCs, private, nonprofit, community-based organizations run and controlled by persons with disabilities.
Independent Living Programs for Deaf and Hard of Hearing people (DHILS)
Independent Living Programs for Deaf and Hard of Hearing people (DHILS) provide peer mentoring for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, self-advocacy training, information and referral services, and trainings on topics such as assistive technology, communication skills, and how to find a job.
Independent Living Social Services
Independent Living Social Services assist individuals who are blind to become more independent and to have an improved quality of life. Independent Living services for individuals who are blind are available through the Massachusetts Commission for the Blind.
Information and Referral
Information and Referral specialists can connect you to services and supports in your community. You can get help focused on your needs and interests. Services are available through the Executive Office of Aging & Independence through (800-243-4636); the Department of Mental Health; and through the Aging and Disability Resource Consortia (ADRC), are statewide, trusted places in the community that provide information and referral to long term services and supports to people of all ages, disabilities, and incomes.
Interpreter/CART Services
Interpreter/CART Services provides referral services for American Sign Language, spoken English, oral, tactile and close vision interpreting for people who are Deaf and Deaf-Blind. The program also provides referrals to freelance Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) providers for real-time captioning on behalf of hard of hearing and/or late deafened individuals in a wide variety of settings such as medical, legal, mental health, employment, education and recreational situations. Interpreter and CART Referral Services are available through the Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
Massachusetts Association for Community Action (MASSCAP)
Massachusetts Association for Community Action (MASSCAP) is a statewide association of the 24 Community Action Agencies (CAAs) operating in Massachusetts. CAAs are human service and advocacy organizations that are dedicated to fighting poverty and promoting self-sufficiency.
Massachusetts Office on Disability (MOD)
The Massachusetts Office on Disability (MOD) aims to ensure the full and equal participation of all people with disabilities in all aspects of life. MOD offers training services, advocacy on variety of disability-related issues, monitoring compliance with disability rights and additional resources such as information on government programs.
Massachusetts PCA Referral Directory
Massachusetts PCA Referral Directory is online registry for individuals who receive and provide personal care assistance. The PCA referral directory assists Massachusetts older adults, residents with disabilities of all ages, their families, and parents of children with disabilities in hiring their own PCA or direct care worker. The Massachusetts referral directory is sponsored by the Personal Care Attendant (PCA) Quality Home Care Workforce Council.
MassHealth Disability Accommodation Ombudsman
MassHealth Disability Accommodation Ombudsman helps MassHealth members and applicants with disabilities receive the accommodations they need for effective communication with MassHealth.
My Ombudsman
My Ombudsman is an independent program for MassHealth members who are enrolled in MassHealth managed and integrated care plans. My Ombudsman can help enrolled members understand the benefits and services offered through their MassHealth health plan; answer member questions or address concerns; help to mediate or otherwise find resolutions for members who are having difficulty accessing their benefits; and help explain member rights, including the right to appeal or file a grievance. Many My Ombudsman staff also have lived experience with disability and personal experience being enrolled in a MassHealth health plan. You can contact My Ombudsman directly via phone at 855-781-9898; Videophone (VP) at 339-224-6831; email at:; or visit their website at for more information at:
Options Counseling
Options Counseling is a free, short-term service to assist you or a loved one with options & resources available to help you. An Options Counselor can meet or speak with you to help with needs you have now or if you are planning for the future.
Outreach Centers
Outreach Centers for Veterans are nonprofit organizations that assist veterans and their families with a range of services such as assistance with obtaining benefits, transportation services, substance abuse counseling, and peer counseling. Outreach Centers are administered by the Department of Veterans’ Services.
Turning 22
Turning 22 provides transition services for young people with severe disabilities as they leave special education and transition into the adult service system. Turning 22 services are available through MassAbility and the Department of Developmental Services.
Universal Access Program is a program of the Department of Conservation and Recreation. The Universal Access Program increases the accessibility of Massachusetts State Parks through site improvements, adaptive equipment, and events.
Veterans’ Service Officer (VSO)
VSOs are located in 351 municipalities across Massachusetts to help veterans and families connect with benefits. VSOs are available to anyone seeking information or assistance in the area of veterans’ benefits and services, including family members of veterans, interview applicants, determine eligibility, and administer veterans' benefits. They may be reached at their City/Town Halls, by using the VSO Directory, or the VSO locator at Mass Vets Advisor.