Food and Nutrition
Food and nutrition programs and services promote access to food and proper nutrition through a variety of agencies and initiatives.
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a group of people supporting a farm operation. Growers and consumers share risks and benefits of food production. Consumers pay in advance (a share) then regularly receive a package of crops for the season.
Commodity Supplemental Food Programs (CSFP)
Commodity Supplemental Food Programs (CSFP) supplements the diet of low-income older adults with nutritious USDA Foods.
Daily Table
The Daily Table is a not-for-profit grocery store providing nutritious foods at affordable prices. Two locations are in Dorchester and Roxbury.
Food Banks
Food Banks supply food pantries and other emergency food programs. Massachusetts Food Pantries provide groceries to those in need. To find a pantry in your area, call the Project Bread Food Source Hotline at 1-800-645-8333 TTY 1-800-377-1292 or find an agency in your area:
- The Food Bank of Western Massachusetts
- Worcester County Food Bank
- Merrimack Valley Food Bank
- The Greater Boston Food Bank
The Healthy Living Center of Excellence
The Healthy Living Center of Excellence offers disease management programs throughout Massachusetts to help older adults manage their conditions.
Massachusetts Emergency Food Assistance Program (MEFAP)
Massachusetts Emergency Food Assistance Program is a public and private partnership program implemented through over 800 emergency food providers with the mission to ensure that people have access to quality food.
The Massachusetts Farmers' Market Nutrition Program
The Massachusetts Farmers' Market Nutrition Program provides older adults and Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) participants with coupons for produce to use at Farmers' Markets. Find information about locally grown food.
Project Bread Food Source Hotline 800-645-8333
Project Bread Food Source Hotline is a toll-free information and referral service designed to connect people in need with a variety of food resources in their local community. Multilingual staff and translators can assist callers in over 160 languages. In addition, the FoodSource Hotline also offers the following:
- Screenings for SNAP/Food Stamp eligibility. Hotline counselors are available to help callers determine if they might be eligible before they apply
• Over the phone SNAP application assistance and follow-up with applicants throughout the process
• Informational resource for agencies with SNAP regulation questions affecting their clients
• General information to current SNAP recipients, applicants with pending applications and those hesitant to apply
• Referrals to community food programs and other programs such as school meals, housing, and utility assistance
• All calls are confidential
Salvation Army Massachusetts Find Food Programs
The Salvation Army provides hot meals year-round for anyone in need. Free evening meals are available at various locations. Please contact your local Salvation Army for specific information on times and locations. Find the center nearest you.
Senior Nutrition Program
Senior Nutrition Program includes home delivered meals and congregate meal sites, like senior centers, churches, and schools. The Senior Nutrition Program is available to seniors through the Executive Office of Aging & Independence.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (formerly food stamps)
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides financial assistance for purchasing food. SNAP is administered by the Department of Transitional Assistance.
Fair Foods, Inc. and its partners run TWO DOLLAR-A-BAG sites through Boston and eastern Massachusetts. Each week, participants enjoy a wide selection of fresh fruits, vegetables and breads for a donation of $2 a bag.
USDA Local Food Directories
USDA's Local Food Directories help you locate farmers markets, on-farm markets, CSAs, and food hubs.
Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Nutrition Program
Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Nutrition Program provides nutrition and health education, healthy food, breastfeeding support and other services free of charge to pregnant women and families who qualify. WIC is administered by the Department of Public Health.