Behavioral & Mental Health Services
Behavioral & Mental Health Services are services and resources for for people with behavioral health conditions, including mental health and substance use disorders, and their families.
Adult Community Clinical Services (ACCS)
Adult Community Clinical Services (ACCS) provide rehabilitative interventions and supports intended to help individuals restore or maintain independent living, manage behavioral health, promote wellness, and manage medical conditions in the community. ACCS is administered through the Department of Mental Health.
Bureau of Substance Abuse Services
Bureau of Substance Abuse Services (BSAS) oversees the statewide system of prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery support services for individuals, families, and communities affected by gambling and substance addiction.
The Massachusetts Substance Abuse Information and Education Helpline
The Massachusetts Substance Abuse Helpline is a resource available to provide free and anonymous information and referral for alcohol and other drug abuse problems and related concerns. The Helpline is funded by the Department of Public Health. You can call the Helpline at 800-327-5050.
Network of Care Massachusetts
Network of Care Massachusetts is a new online resource that provides a comprehensive, searchable directory to help Massachusetts residents find information on behavioral health services and treatment in their communities. It includes a directory of over 5,000 programs and organizations across the Commonwealth, searchable by keyword and zip code. For each listing, users can find a program description and contact information, as well as information on populations served, relevant eligibility and fee information, and more.
Stop Addiction
Stop Addiction is a website with information and resources on opioid, or pain killer, addiction. The website offers information on warning signs of opioid addiction, a list of commonly misused prescription medications, a guide for how guardians can talk to kids of different ages about the dangers of opioid misuse, information on Narcan - a medication that can reverse the effects of an overdose, and how to get help. Stop Addiction In Its Tracks is a program of the Executive Office of Health and Human Services.