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Equipment and Supplies

Equipment and Supplies are medically necessary equipment, accessories, supplies and devices that are purchased, rented, and repaired for individuals with disabilities or complex medical conditions.

Durable Medical Equipment (DME), Supplies, and Oxygen

Durable Medical Equipment (DME), Supplies, and Oxygen are items such as mobility equipment, absorbent products, Personal Emergency Response Systems, oxygen and respiratory equipment, and augmentation and alternative communication devices.  DME, supplies and oxygen are available through MassHealth.

Massachusetts Alternative Finance Loan Program (MAFLP)

Massachusetts Alternative Finance Loan Program (MAFLP) provides alternative financing options to qualified people with disability and their families. There are three loan programs: 

  •    Long Term Device Loan – free long-term loans of assistive technology devices valued less than $500. Available to individuals/families who are financially eligible.  
  •    Mini Loan: Zero interest loans of $100-$2,000 for the purchase of assistive technology products and services. Any items defined as assistive technology are allowed.
  •    Financial Loan:  Low-interest loans of $2,000 or more for the purchase of assistive technology products and services. Any items defined as assistive technology are allowed. 

Contact Easter Seals of Massachusetts at 800-244-2756 X431 or 800-564-9700 (TTY).

More info at:

Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing 

Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing has information on assistive technology for people with deafness or hearing loss. For more information call 617-740-1600.  

Massachusetts Equipment Distribution Program (MassEDP) 

If you are a Massachusetts resident with a permanent disability that in the majority of circumstances limits your ability to use the telephone effectively you may be eligible to receive assistive telephone equipment / adaptive communication equipment at a reduced rate. Under the program, equipment is available to individuals who have cognitive, hearing, motion, speech or vision impairments. Call 800-300-5658 for application form. Visit Massachusetts Equipment Distribution Program (MassEDP)


MassMATCH provides information on how people can find, try, borrow, fund and buy AT devices.  The program is federally funded and managed by the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission.

Assistive Technology Regional Centers

Assistive Technology Regional Centers are operating in western, central and eastern Massachusetts; visit them to learn about, try out or borrow assistive technology.

Massachusetts Alternative Finance Program 

Massachusetts Alternative Finance Program MAFP is an alternative financing program funded through state and federal resources to give people with disabilities and their families access to low or zero interest cash loans to buy the assistive technology devices and services they need. offers free gently-used, refurbished wheelchairs and other DME to people who need it. Delivery is available. Search for available items here.

Get AT Stuff

Get AT Stuff Massachusetts is an assistive technology exchange website. Here visitors can shop for used equipment or advertise what they are no longer using.

Prosthetics and Orthotics

Prosthetics and Orthotics include shoes, braces, artificial limbs, and splints.  Prosthetics and orthotics are available to people eligible for MassHealth.


REquipment is a program that collects donated durable medical equipment (DME), cleans and refurbishes the DME and reassigns it to adults and children with disabilities and seniors throughout  Massachusetts. 

REquipment has an on-line inventory of items available. For intake contact 1-800-261-9841. 

REquipment is a collaborative project of public and private funding from the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission's (MRC) MassMATCH program, the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Disabilities (DDS), the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) as well as private grants through The Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation. 

REquipment is pleased to partner with Stavros Center for Independent Living and United Cerebral Palsy of Berkshire County to provide reuse DME to residents of western Massachusetts.